Monday, October 24, 2011

Fwd: Re: October 24, 2011

Dear Readers,
This week was pretty good, We did a lot of finding this week, and have got 6 new investigators. It seems like everyone is getting sick around here, we have given like 4 blessings this week. We have also helped some people move this week. We locked are keys in our car yesterday, and had to walk for a while but luckily our office elder saved us by calling a locksmith. Especially because we were in a dangerous part of the area and it was starting to get dark.

So i was ornery, and i opened my birthday present, alright i get the hint, i will send more pictures... But i will send videos instead, Hows that?
So you all went to Magic Mountain... I drove by it a few weeks ago, on my way into bakes, Im so jealous!

On Mon, Oct 24, 2011 at 9:24 AM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:
Good morning Elder Scott,
Well we are back from California!  We had a good time.  It was actually cold a couple of days, but we still got some good beach time in!  The first day Doug got slammed pretty hard into the bottom.  He came up yelling to Dad to help him.  I am pretty sure he got a concussion.  The waves were pretty rough that day---bone crushers as Dad calls them.  So, Doug didn't get in the rest of the week.  We saw a lot of dolphins and some seals.  I got sunburned--typical!  We rode the bikes around a lot, ate a lot of donuts and just hung out.  Dad and the boys went to Magic Mountain and rode the crazy roller coasters.  Then stayed for the Haunted stuff that night.  Dad left for NY from there. 
Yesterday was a good day at church.  The talks were really good.  The topic was on sacrifice.  Becca Munsey spoke about how she quit Poms this year because she didn't agree with the other girls values.  She talked about how she has danced for many years and the sacrifice of giving up something she loved her senior year, but she knew it was right.  Loretta McCollough spoke about ways we sacrifice daily.  She talked about repentance, tithing, missionary service and enduring tribulations.  Then Ryan Murri spoke and shared a great story.  I thought you would really like his story, It is titled  The Birdcage--author unknown.
There once was a man named George Thomas, a pastor in a small New England town.  One Easter Sunday morning he came to church carrying a rusty, bent old bird cage, and set it by the pulpit.  Several eyebrows were raised, and as if response, Pastor Thomas began to speak.
"I was walking through town yesterdat when I saw a young boy coming toward me, seeing this bird cage.  On the bottom of the cage were three little wild birds, shivering with cold and fright. I stopped the lad and asked, "What you got there son?"
 "Just some old birds" came the reply. 
"What are you going to do with them?" I asked.
"Take 'em home and have fun with 'em.  I'm gonna tease 'em and pull out their feathers to make 'em fright.  I'm gonna have a real good time." 
"But you'll get tired of those birds sooner or later.  What will you do then?" 
"Oh, I got some cats.  They like birds.  I'll give 'em to them." 
The pastor was silent a moment.
"How much do you want for those birds, son?"
"Huh?! Why you don't want those birds, mister. They're just plain old field birds.  They don't sing, they ain't even pretty!"
"How much?"
The boy sized up the pastor as if he were crazy, and said "Ten dollars?"
The pastor reached in his pocket and took out a ten dollar bill.  He placed it in the boy's hand.  In a flash, the boy was gone,  The pastor picked up the cage and gently carried it to the end of the alley, where there a a tree and a grassy spot.  Setting the cage down, he opened the door, and by softly tapping the bars, persuaded the birds out, setting them free.
Well, that explained the empty bird cage on the pulpit, and then the pastor began to tell this story.
"One day Satan and Jesus were having a conversation.  Satan had just come from the Garden of Eden, and he was gloating and boasting.
"Yes sir, I just caught a world of people down there.  Set me a trap, used bait I knew they couldn't resist.  Got 'em all!"
"What are you going to do with them?"  Jesus asked.
"Oh, I'm gonna have fun! I'm gonna teach them how to marry and divorce each other, how to hate and abuse each other, how to invent guns and bombs and kill each other.  I'm really gonna have fun!"
"And what will you do with them when you grow tired of that?"
"Oh, kill 'em. Damn 'em."
"How much do you want for them?"
"Oh, you don't want these people.  They ain't no good. Why, you take them, and they'll just hate you.  They'll spit on you, and curse you and kill you."
"How much?"
Satan looked at Jesus and sneered, "All your tears, and all your blood."
Jesus paid the price.
He picked up the cage.
He opened the door...
Brother Murri says hi.  He said he always loved having you in class.  He said he served in a bad area of crime in England, he even got beat up.  He said you will be protected.
So, how is the area aside from the crime?  How is your companion?  Do you do service projects? 
We need to start thinking about refilling your medicine again.  Can you talk to Sister Castro about that or do I need to call her again?
We will send some pictures soon---I have one with us and Elder Tingey.  He shared some great stories about you.
So you want to cook huh?  WOW!  I will gather some recipes.  Here is a quick chicken enchilada recipe.
Boil chicken--then cut up or shred.  For you and your companion-two to three chicken breasts will be enough.
Mix 1 cup sour cream, 1 can cream of chicken soup, 1 can diced green chiles and shredded cheese.  Then just layer corn tortillas--break them into pieces--they won't be as dry then. Chicken and then the mixture.  You can even add some hot salsa to the sour cream mixture.  When it is all layered in a baking dish--casserole pan.  Top it with some shredded cheese and bake at 350 for about 30 minutes.
Let me know how it turns out.  By the way, did you get the package I sent?  Do you need anything?
Well, I need to run.  I love you son.


Love, Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, October 17, 2011

Fwd: Re: That's it!

Sorry! Busy!
Meds are fine
SwEeT Im StOkEd for the recipes
We are in our car now, yes were all good on dinners
My companion is awesome
Usually Food, but sometimes at member dinners im not quite sure.
We play bball on pday

On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 10:56 AM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:
Hello son!
You didn't write much!
How are you doing on your medication?  Do you have about a month left?
Yes, I will send you recipes. 
How do you get around? Is your car fixed? Do the members take care of you-dinners?
How is your companion?
What do you typically eat?
What do you do on p day there?
I love you,


Love, Elder Tyler Scott

Fwd: Monday October 17

I wouldn't recommend sending anything here, People get jumped here alot. and we live in one of the most dangerous parts in our area, so the chances of me getting it are slim. Pretty sure our neighbors are drug dealers, there is always odd things happening there and it always smells like pot... so send to the mission home please...
Tingey came by! Sweet! i am glad you all got to meet him, he is probably one of the coolest people i have ever met! i am glad he got the gifts to you all.
This week  has been frustrating, our whole teaching pool has blown off all of our appointments, and we are struggling to find people to teach. But it seems like my being here is making a difference, more people are showing up to church, and Thomson tells me that because i am comfortable and talkative around people, (unlike his last comp) people are really warming up to me. So thats good news, hopefully we can get some success in our work.
You Ditched CHuRcH!!! Vile sinners! haha just kidding.

On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 7:10 AM, Bret Scott <> wrote:
Hola Elder Scott --

We've had a fun week.  First off we hope you  are well and are settling into your new area with Elder Thomson.  How long has he been in this area?  Did you inherit a lot of families in your teaching pool?  We sent you a package, to the mission home -- it will probably be a while before you see it, since it was shipped UPS.  It is half as expensive to ship things UPS than with the postal service.  You said to send things to the mission home, but why?  You gave us your address @Bakersfield, why can we just send things there? 

We finally met the famous Thomas Tingey -- he called Friday and came over later in the evening.  We talked and talked and he shared all the stories with the great Elder Scott.  He is awesome.  He was planning to attend the temple on Saturday  morning so we asked him just to stay at our house overnight ( in your bed ) so he didn't have to get a hotel.  We had fun.  Later he went with me to play volleyball at the stake center with our co-ed ward team -- that was fun too.  Thanks for the birthday presents! haha -- he told us all about them and the investigator that gave them to you etc.  Pretty funny.  He said mom's cookies were "like Crack" because they were so addicting.  He was great.  He shared a lot of the spiritual experiences that you and he had --- it was so awesome to hear how much you have grown in the few months you have been out.  We're so proud of you.

Mason and Weston are now 17yrs old -- we had dinner with the Rothey's on Friday --- cake & ice cream later ( with Thomas Tingey ) --- Mason got some snowboarding pants that match his flaming jacket, Weston got a new snowboard pants/jacket combo -- since they had both outgrown their stuff. 

We left for Newport Beach on Saturday morning, so we're currently just a couple of hours from you -- we're having fun relaxing and soaking in the sun.  We've been playing in the surf, Brother Rothey got flushed pretty good on Saturday --- mom things he suffered a concussion.  The waves were really rough.  So we ditched church yesterday, spent the day on bicycles and what not around here @Newport Beach --

Thomas said that the work in Bakersfield is considerably different than in T.O.  He said that while he was there ( twice ) he was "good" with the local gangs, and said that they "had the missionaries' backs" -- I hope you are able to find some good folks to teach and get a chance to teach a lot.

No recent news on Ashley's recovery.  She's got a lot of rehabilitation / physical therapy each day.  She has several different types of therapy each day. The Doctors seem to think that she will make a full recovery, but it is taking longer than what they all hoped.  She'll be @Craig hospital for another month, then she'll get to come home to finish her recovery ( hopefully ).

Well, gotta run, Mom says to make this note from her too --- we don't have a good internet connection in this place, so I'm using the wi-fi hotspot on the mobile phone.... Remember we love you and pray for your success and safety daily.   Your brothers say hi.

Love Dad,

Love, Elder Tyler Scott

Friday, October 14, 2011

Fwd: Tingey

Elder Thomas Tingey ( Elder Scott's trainer ) came to visit us on October 14 -- we had cake and offered some to Elder Scott.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Fwd: October 10, 2011

That is a pretty funny story.
Dear Readers,
This week has been crazy. Here in bakersfield we have now moved into one of the most dangerous parts of the city, muggings shootings, the works... It is pretty ghetto, aparently it is one of two areas in the mission that are in red * which means its dangerous to walk around at night... And all in this first week, Our car broke and has been in for repairs since Wednesday, We been on bikes, it rained cats and dogs, our apartment started leaking, Our bikes have been having tons of problems and i have been having to fix em. At least i am good at jerry rigging and fixing stuff. Oh and our phone doesnt work. So if i get shot, you can have my stuff ;D jk, i think we will be ok. My New companinons name is Elder Nathan Thomson, he is from alberta canada. He is way cool and i have served around him before. (Woah, i have left greenie status... wierd...) He is as tall as me, and likes basketball too. Our new address is

1000 Pacheco Rd Apt. 107
Bakersfield, CA 93009

But still write to the mission address to avoid confusion.
Anyway, im still having fun and am loving my new area so no worries, i dont know enough to tell you much about it though so, sorry.
Did Thomas Tingey bring you my package?

On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 9:11 AM, Bret Scott <> wrote:
Another week gone.....

So my trip to NY last week was quite eventful -- on Monday when I was traveling to NY -- there was an incident at the IBM site in Sterling Forest, NY -- there is a long back-woods road that is the access to the IBM facility -- the power, communications, and other lines run into the facility on telephone poles running along this road.  Apparently a dump truck or garbage truck drove down the road with its dump trailer tilted up -- and it caught those lines that were crossing the road -- he pulled down 4 telephone poles before he realized what had happened.

This severed all the telecommunications lines into the IBM facility and closed the road both ways into the site -- so we couldn't even get to the site after traveling across the country to get there.

That was interesting -- later on in the week, as I was leaving the site, I came around the bend in my trusty rental car ( SUV ) and lo and behold 2 deer standing in the road -- thump -- I sent Bambi into the next world.  It crushed the front of the grill on the rental pretty good but I thought it was otherwise OK.

The next morning I called the rental place to let them  know about the accident and fill out the required incident paperwork -- but the car was driving fine other than the bent-up grill.  So I didn't worry too much about it. 

Then, on Friday as I left to head back to the airport to come home, the stupid car overheated and I had to stop.  They called a tow truck and I had to have the car towed back to NYC -- well by the time the stupid truck got there, and the car loaded on to his truck, it was prime rush-hour traffic so I missed my flight.  I had to quickly book another flight but there were no other flights out of LaGuardia that evening ( that had any seats left on them ) -- so then I had to get over to JFK --- one of the employees of the rental car place drove me like a madman to JFK so I could get on that one -- and there I was met with HUGE security lines and barely made it on this new flight on time -- it was a nightmare.

So, moral of the story -- don't hit a deer.

Ashley is progressing litle by little -- the Hansens were able to bring her home yesterday for 5-6 hours -- it sounds like they'll be able to do that every week, but she won't be leaving the hospital until Nov 18 now -- she's very discouraged.  Everything seems to be healing OK, but she's having to do rehab to get those fine motor skills back.  Her left eye is still problematic, it doesn't track well with the other eye -- and she can't move it "out" to much - -she can move it up, down, and in pretty well.  Her eyelid is still quite droopy so she's very self-conscious about it.  The doctors think she'll recover completely, but it's going to be a while.

Your brother Wes is down in the dumps -- he has been dealt a poor hand lately what with the driving, and now the toe --- so he's not liking his life right now -- they're going back to the doctor today to get another opinion as it is hurting again pretty badly today.  Arrggh.

Well, let us know what your new address is, your new companion's details etc.

We love you -- Talk to you soon.


On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 9:03 AM, Tracie Scott <> wrote:
Good morning Elder Scott!
How did your transfer go?  How are you settling into Bakersfield?  How is your new companion?
I have heard the weather is A LOT hotter there!  People have said be glad it is October and not the summer!
Well this week was eventful here.  Dad was in NY, so you know that usually means something will happen.
So, Weston had plantar warts again.  We had  the same treatment done in August that he has had in the past.  He even had it just last August.  BUT, we didn't go out to Nino Valenti.  We went to one of his partners here in Littleton.  Anyway, he has been healing from that.  He has many in one area, so a lot of injection and cutting around the little toe and fourth toe.  So Monday he started having worse pain.  He came home at lunch and I looked at it.  His fourth toe was very swollen and red.  I called the doctor and we went in.  They put him on antibiotics and pain medication.  He was in SOOOOO much pain. He was also not walking to well on it.  SO, he missed work and school.  He wasn't getting better, so Tuesday night he got a blessing.  Even Ben Tenney thought his foot looked discolored.  It was now moving into his foot.  Wednesday morning, his toe began to look black on the bottom.  SO, again we went into the doctor.  He said "let me numb it and drain the puss".  So we agreed.  Well, he didn't let the medicine kick in and fully numb Wes, so Wes felt the cutting and squeezing.  He was already in terrible pain.  The doctor basically cut a chunk out of his toe.  A little mini surgery, right there in the office!  So, Wes has been on crutches.  No working, no swimming, no drive test, no school.  He is really discouraged!  We are hoping it is healed enough by next week so he can play on Fall Break.  Oh, and his birthday is this week!  So, he is a bit bummed.
That was basically my week.  In addition to having a ton of things for church.  MANY phone calls and emails and texts this last week!  It was crazy.  Brother Armstrong broke his wrist riding his bike.  Steve Hatch broke his foot in basketball.  And many other things going on.  Bishop mentioned that we were the walking wounded ward!
Well, this weekend we will actually be arriving in CA.  We are going to NewPort Beach for fall break vacation.  Kind of weird.  When we went two years ago, we drove through Bakersfield!
I am looking forward to being away. 
The temple re opened.  It had been closed since August.  They got rid of the cafeteria.  We now have a little waiting area where the cafeteria was.  That will be nice for families when the weather is cold.
I went on Friday with Sister Grant.  She was baptized last year.  She took out her own Endowment on Friday.  Then I stayed and did initiatory on 5 names of mine.  Saturday morning we had a RS session at 7am.  I took my five names and handed them out.  It was exciting to get them done.  They had just had the baptisms done in July by the youth before the temple closed.  I now have some sealings to do.
It snowed lightly on Saturday.  It is finally getting chilly here.  It has been in the 80's.  Then BAM!  Saturday snowy and in the 40's.  Crazy Colorado!
Well, I am anxioius to hear from you to see how things have gone this week. 
Here is my scripture of the week:
Mosiah 2:22  And behold, all that he requires of you is to keep his commandments; and he has promised you that if ye would keep his commandments ye should prosper in the land:  and he never doth vary from that which he had said; therefore, if ye do keep his commandments he doth bless you and prosper you.
That scripture makes me think of mission rules.  If you follow the mission rules, you will be blessed and prosper.  Be obedient son.  You will be watched over, protected and you will prosper in the work.
I love you,


Love, Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, October 3, 2011


Dear Readers,
This has been an odd week in the mission field. Not much has happened on account of the fact that i was sick for a few days with awful stomach pain and diarrhea. Yay. Its been nice here in TO [Thousand Oaks] but it is time to move on. I have realized how much i have learned reading in my journal and reminiscing. I am so glad i write in it every day because i can actually have a tangible record of my progress, its awesome. I am getting transferred to South Bakersfield now so this should be fun, i hope the work will be more progressive than here. Its an uphill battle with all our investigators. Im sad because i wont get to baptize Ellen, but anxious for a new setting. I am going to miss all the wonderful people in this area and YES time is flying!
Conference was awesome! i love president Monson's Cheery disposition and humor! I loved how holland made me feel like a vile sinner as a football coach in priesthood session, he laid down the law! i have so much more of an understanding and respect for conference i wish i had paid more attention when i was younger.

Mom, I broke my sunglasses... again, after fixing them...
I need another journal soon.
I would like some more cds.
Birthday, Hmmm... Maybe a watch or something, idk?
Bike is all good i replaced the shifters.
MORE COOKIES and some recipes, im turning out to be a pretty proficient cook :)
I'm sending a package with Elder Tingey for your birthdays. So be on the lookout for him stopping by.
That is all..

On Sun, Oct 2, 2011 at 8:58 PM, Bret Scott <> wrote:
Greetings Elder Scott !

Well, by our calculations you should be having transfers this week -- we're betting you will be involved.  Let us know as soon as you can, we're dying to know where your next adventure might be.

I sent you a copy of the letter that I sent to my mission president on my way out of the mission field.  I sent it via but I'm not sure they actually copied you on the note in email.  I'll send it here again too, just in case.   I wanted you to read some of the things that I mentioned in that letter -- things that I learned that were important in order to have the most success in the areas I served.  See if you can find those, let me know what you gleaned from that letter. 

I've been going through all my mission stuff --- reminiscing about all the adventures I had in Argentina.  Its funny because alot of the things you tell us were the same kinds of things I wrote in my journals.  I regret not writing more details in my journals -- because now, 22+ years later, it is hard to piece together what happened.  I scanned all the negatives I had from pictures I took, I found over 300 pictures -- alot of them were crap, alot had me with people I baptized or were very close to, or both.  Make sure you write in your journals who these people are so you can remember the things you did and saw and share them with your kids someday.

The reason this has all come up was because Bro. Hansen and I were talking to Austin -- who is getting ready to go to Buenos Aires, Argentina in a couple of months -- so I said I'd come over and tell him all about the experiences I had and share my recommendations for him.

One of the things I realize from reading all my journals is that -- we wasted alot of time.  It probably did not seem like it at the time, but you have to realize that you are only in the mission field for 2 short years, which is about 102 weeks total.  Each day you probably have about 12 hours of usable time to find &  teach, if you do not make the most of each of those days, soon your week is over and you will not have met your goals for the week, and soon your weeks will be over and you'll be saying to yourself that you could have done more.  So, take my advice and avoid those regrets.  Do not waste a moment of your time not getting along with your companion, or being stubborn with things that cause you and he to not see eye to eye.  I know that you and I have had our differences through they years, mostly because, son, I think you are EXACTLY like me.  The things that interest you,  the things that don't, your inclination to "have fun" with the people you meet etc. -- all these things you have shared are unbelievably familiar as I read my journals.

There were areas on my mission about which I wrote wonderful things -- how I felt so blessed to have been assigned there at that time, and we had so much success.  There were others where It was pure drudgery -- every day a painful series of events through which I had to suffer.   The differences ( according to my own notes between those areas were 1) my attitude at the time.  Was I humble?  Was I being cocky?  2) How well I gelled with my companion 3) how hard I was working 4) how obedient to the mission rules I was being ( no matter how stupid they may have seemed )

So I'm including a couple of those pictures here -- you may not have seen these ( in fact I can almost guarantee you haven't since, they've been in negative form for the past 20 years ).  Can you believe that your old Dad was so young?  It's kinda funny.  In the picture where my comp and I are standing in a "pool" with a sister in white -- we actually found that "font" that day, filled it as fast as we could, and had 2 baptisms that day.  This lady had been wanting to be baptized but we did not have a font to baptize her in, so when we finally got our hands on it, we finally got it done.  That was the area called Marcos Juarez -- me and 3 other missionaries opened the area -- there hadn't been missionaries there ever before.   I was actually the branch president and had to conduct the Sunday meetings etc., do interviews etc. --- we started finding old members of the church that had obviously fallen away, and slowly the church started growing.  That day we got the font, was the first 2 baptisms ever in Marcos Juarez.

So what did you think about conference?  I will have to listen to it over and over again to catch the messages -- its hard to get the meaning of things when  you're sitting here at home with all the distractions ( that's read Weston & Mason ) around --- I did like the message this morning from Elder Tad R Callister in which he said the Book of Mormon is either from God or from Satan -- there is no middle ground.  He bears his testimony that it IS from God.

Well, Elder Scott -- you have been in California, now for going on 5 months.  It's amazing how time flies.

Update on Ashley -- she's at Craig rehabilitation hospital.  She is doing great although she's very discouraged and impatient.  Everything seems to be progressing towards normalcy faster than everyone thought -- except for her left eye.  It is still having issues, it is getting better, but very slowly -- so she's upset about that.  She'll probably be in that hospital for at least another month -- then she'll be home to continue rehab there ( I believe ).  We're all pulling for her.

Well Tyler -- I am off to New York in the morning, so I am writing you this tonight -- I'll be back at the end of the week, <sigh>.  I love you and hope you are doing well.  Remember who you are and what you're there to do.  Before you know it, it'll be over, so no regrets!

Until next week,

On Sun, Oct 2, 2011 at 8:58 PM, Bret Scott <> wrote:
Elder Scott --
I have been reminiscing about my mission experiences, looking at pictures etc. and I came across this letter I wrote to my mission president at the end of my mission. I thought you might find it interesting to hear what I learned on my mission and what I found to be the secret of success. I hope it helps you find the same success. This was written with pencil in Spanish, so I've tried to translate it back to English here -- so it reads a little choppy -- but you get the gist.

Beloved President Lindheimer,

At the end of this stage of my life, I can look back and say that it has been an experience more than pleasant. The service that I have provided has been useful and the fruits have been many. I hope the Lord will tell me, "Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things".

I have really learned the importance of the work we do as ambassadors of the Lord Jesus Christ. I have seen changes in people's lives, including mine. I have developed gifts and talents that the Lord has given me, I have matured, and obeyed. The adventure called the Argentina, Cordoba Mission began in Mendoza with a 'Starry-Eyed' boy who could barely speak his new language. Soon I learned to depend on my companion and use him as a model. The scriptures became my companions and in those first few months I came to know the Lord through them. The personal study of the revelations helped me comprehend the "WHY" of my stay here in La Republica Argentina. The difficulties became less important to me, the heat and discomforts became insignificant details. Soon I became accustomed to the rhythm and became a "missionary" like those that surrounded me. Soon I would pronounce the words that I had memorized in the MTC "Having been commissioned of Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen" The first time I had said them for real as His true representative. It was marvelous. Gernan Gorbalzcuk could never be erased from my memories.

Like it is always said, the only thing that remains the same is change itself. The Lord relocated me in what seemed another world in Villa Mercedes. Once again adjustments. Adjustments with the new companion. I didn't understand why he didn't want to do this or that, why were we not going over there? Why the change? I decided to remain firm; if my companion supported me, great, if not I would drag him. My eyes were opened a bit more to learn to lead and make decisions regarding our stewardship. My desires were being purified. I desired like never before. "The Eye of the Tiger" grew within me and I wanted to be the missionary of whom everyone spoke. I felt like Ammon "I do not boast in my own strength, nor in my own wisdom… Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God," I thanked the Lord for giving me the gifts that I was developing, the language came, the missionary attributes were polished in me. I recognized like Ammon that without Him I am nothing. I needed Him and through the Book of Mormon His mysteries were becoming clear. I learned why they call the Book of Mormon "The Keystone of our Religion: A firm testimony that Jesus is the Christ".

Upon desiring more new responsibilities, the Lord gave me more. A new area, new stewardship, new opportunity to grow. In the city of Marcos Juarez, I realized that the Lord had confidence in me. I appreciated that. Like a pioneer, a good example and good behavior toward the locals were essential. My faith in the Lord and His work grew together with my knowledge of the restored gospel. Once again, many mysteries were revealed to me. Even though I did not know much of what was required of me, I knew that anything was possible with the Lord. Sadly my time there was cut short. Another set of circumstances was presented me to be refined even more.

Before this point in the "adventure", I had not realized totally the importance of being "one" with my companion. I saw impairments when that was not the case. I promised myself to be "one" with all the companions that followed. The humility was a big factor. The love for the people of Plumerrillo was more important, other attributes that could improve were added to the growing list. Upon dedicating myself to the work and obeying the rules, the Holy Ghost was my guide. We were literally guided to families who were prepared to accept the Savior – Instant testimony. I observed the love and beauty of the principle of repentance. I saw the weight of sin lifted, the faces brightened, and the miracle of forgiveness. It was all beautiful. I did not want to be in any other place. To serve the Lord and help the Argentines was pure joy. The success and momentum there brought with them unjust desires. I wanted to advance and be a leader. I wanted to be "seen" by all the others. But, once again, the Lord taught me "Be patient, my son, for it is wisdom in me, and it is not expedient that you should [advance] at this present time…Stand fast in the work wherewith I have called you,… and you shall be lifted up at the last day. Amen." It was clear that He wanted me to remain where I was, that I should not worry myself about greater responsibilities at that time. That I was to be patient. "OK, Understand" I agreed. The thought did not cross my mind again. But… as Berugo Carambula used to say….

It is said that the Lord works in mysterious ways and for a second time I was transferred to replace Elder Cullum who was mysteriously taken sick for a second time. I believe in God. I know he lives. In Catamarca, it all came together: the love for the people and my companions, a positive attitude, faith, knowledge, personal revelation, diligence, and wisdom. It all summed up to be success. "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth". I experienced miracles. I saw the lives of families completely turn around. I loved them. I still love them. My companions and I were and are "one". I am what they were, and what they taught others, a compilation. The Holy Ghost was my companion during baptismal interviews, and He never failed me. "men are that they might have joy.." That was pure joy. To leave was detrimental; I almost could not do it. But my stewardship there ended and I was given another. Constant progress.

I returned to familiar land. In Santa Ana the challenge was to be a good example and serve the other Christian Soldiers. There I leaned to direct the elders, a great responsibility. One time after another, I saw the marvel of repentance. The people need us. I lamented to see the people need and and to hear them say "no my son, at this stage in my life, I cannot change". Why do they reject it? Why do they not open their eyes? I suppose that I was taught the importance of free agency. I continue to acquire wisdom, once again.

The change did not stop. Now a place called Leones. A land somewhat familiar. The Lord loves me and knows what I need. With the responsibility of Zone leader together with the management of a branch in Zion, it demanded much of me. Never will I forget what I experienced there. I mended, repaired, straightened, and intended to set right the affairs as best as I could. Patience and long-suffering were necessary for me. I saw lives destroyed because of the disillusion caused by sin. I made myself a promise that I would never get myself into a position where I would have dig out of such a deep hole. Wickedness was never happiness. I saw it, I don't want it. I have received plenty. The gospel has blessed me beyond all other and in many aspects I had not even realized it. I totally appreciate it now. Humility was necessary for me once again. I enjoyed the work and the accompaniment of the Holy Ghost. Service is Joy.

The adventure is ending. I have seen much progress in myself, like in others. I am better. I served others and I helped them to help themselves. I have done was commanded of me. Now I end these circumstances and will continue in others
I feel well and happy for what I have done. I am grateful for the stewardship that has been given me. It has made me better.

Thank you
Elder Bret Scott


Love, Elder Tyler Scott