Monday, February 25, 2013

Fwd: February 24, 2013

Dear Family,
Well this week went by pretty quick, basically we visited ward members and tried to set up appointments for next week. We will see how it goes.
We taught Julius and Cynthia the Law of Chastity this week. Which is the most awkward lesson to 1st time teach together but it went well. My new Companion, Elder Jeanna Lifungula is from Oregon. But he grew up in the Democratic Republic of Congo. He has a crazy story, and is a refugee. He was adopted and joined the church when he was 18. So he has been a member for a grand total of 3 years. He is Awesome.
He is 1 transfer younger than me in the Mission, (20 months).
Man it is crazy to find out we are becoming a mission. Prolly wont affect me. I will be home before any major changes happen it sounds like. Which is coming way to fast. Its really weird  I dont know how i feel about it. I love being a missionary, and I don't know if i want to let it go.
Mason is ... Buff! Holy [cow]! 


- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, February 18, 2013

Fwd: February 17, 2013

Dear Family,
Well, Its transfers again... That was a fast transfer... Elder Volk is done and heading back home to Maryland, on Wednesday and he will be sorely missed not just by me, but by all those whom he has served, and those hes served around. I am truly going to miss him, he has taught me alot and i wish i could hang with him for a while longer. I freakin love this guy. 
This week was another good one. Wrapping things up and what not. We got a couple chances to teach Julius and his Mom Cynthia the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Word of Wisdom this week. They even attended a baptism last saturday (9th) and are stoked to be baptized themselves. Julius is set for the 23 of March, and we will continue to work with Cynthia who will soon Follow! Yay! Lyndell we didnt get a chance to meet with. but we will next week.

As for me I am doing good. I am staying in the Area, and getting Elder Lifungula, one of 2 black elders in the mission.  I am excited but nervous, and once again, Junior Companion. One more transfer and i break a record.
Found out (officially, i didnt want to spread rumors) that I will be coming home May 8th... 3 days before my year mark. No phone call too, Happy Mothers Day! Im comin home. So theres the update.

Got my medication. That was WAY easier.

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, February 11, 2013

Fwd: February 11, 2013

Dear Family.
This week was a great week.
It started out with some service on Tuesday and Wednesday, and then all the sudden we taught three lessons in one Day! finally got those investigators (kim, Julius and his mom Cynthia) Rolling along! Kim is the wife of Brother Hankins a recent convert. We have all been waiting for this moment so i am excited to be part of it! Julius is the Nephew of the Brandon's (members) who refferred us to them. He is 8 or 9 and is really grasping the Gospel! They are all progressing and want to get baptized so if everything continues at this rate they will have a baptismal date by the end of the week! So we taught all of them the Restoration and taught a 2nd lesson to Julius and Cynthia about the Plan of Salvation.
They went to there cousins baptism on saturday and that is where Cynthia decided she really wanted to be baptized! WooHoo! Lyndell is doing better, still working through answering her questions, she said that this is the first time she feels like shes learning something, (shes a teacher by profession, and has been through 4 sets of missionaries already and all the lessons...) so that made us fweel pretty good. But we know it has nothing to do with us. 100% the spirit that has increased her faith and desire to learn. 
 Everything else is just going great, I love Elder Volk, hes fun to be around very calm and patient, i am sad i will be losing him... but alas all good things must come to an end i suppose.
As for your question about Ottos. We get bored on Pday, and play a card game called Magic. I bought a few cards there, thats all.

- Elder Tyler Scott

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Fwd: This week

Dear Family.
Well another week has flown by. This week was rather uneventful.
We started off the first couple days doing service for brother shulz to help him with his weeds and other random stuff. It helps the mornings go by faster because there is no one around to talk to around that time. We also helped Lyndell our investigator clean up her garage, it was pretty disorganized and dirty. But it looks good now! A couple days later we went back and read the Book of Mormon with her again and she really got into it and participated. It was awesome, she asked good questions and we had a good discussion about prophets and the priesthood. We also committed her to ASK heavenly father if Joseph Smith was a true prophet. Which for her is very hard because she is a very self reliant person and never asks for help. (I was able to relate and testified of humility and how hard it is, but how worth it it is. So that was cool, Elder Volk and i teach well together and its pretty funny when one of us says the exact thing the other was thinking, which happens rather often. 
My bike broke a spoke and needed some work this week, so that stunk. And it was raining the last half of the week, which sucked but i am learning to be patient.
Most of the week we spent trying to contact potential investigator and formers, setting up appointments for this week. Were hoping everything works out. 
I am starting to see changes in the attitude of the ward, they are really trying to step it up and do more fellow shipping and missionary work, I am SO glad! haha And apparently they liked my missionary bucket thing and are going to start doing that too. So things are really looking up. 
Gave a talk yesterday about Finding Peace through the Gospel. I still hate talks haha. But it went good. They stacked (4 hyms 4 talks....) sacrament though so when we were supposed to talk for 10 mins each as the concluding speakers, We went over. I apparently talked for like 15mins and my comp basically had a 2 minute testimony. I still am not very good at it. 
So there is your update. Just working and staying busy 

- Elder Tyler Scott