Monday, June 25, 2012

Fwd: This week

Dear Family,
This week was another good one. I finally can say that i am becoming an old fart in the mission... i dont know anyone anymore, and its just coming fast... We had a pretty slow week and i was not the mosty motivated when it comes to tracting, but we did teach more lessons than any other week thus far. We taught Doug the plan of Salvation finally yesterday. We havent been able to meet with him for a while because he is a pilot firefighter and has been called in a TON recently. But we understand and he always has cool stories, this week he saved people and landed on a freeway! Pretty neat. He and Scott were both at church this week! Hopefully we can start teaching him too.OH i almost forgot! we had interviews this week with President Castro. They went very well. I was nervous for no reason haha.
The Missionary Bucket is still barely taking off, but we are starting to see some success! Woohoo!
I can honestly say that i have been here long enough to really know most of everybody in both wards. Its neat and i love how awesome everyone is here. Looking forward to the 4th of july! I now have all the ingredients to make all the pancakes i want! And i am kinda renowned for it now because i have made them with a few members. Fun to make, a hassle to clean up. I know how you feel now mom, its sucks when you get done cooking a bunch because you almost lose the desire to eat them...
I found a distant cousin here this week when we were visiting this partmember family. The mother inlaw is related. Her name is Vicki Haymore Everts. (805) 404 8794 if you want to call. She actually lives in arizona now, she used to live here and is just visiting. We found out because i mentioned Andrew Hunter Scott.
Speaking of Bikes Dad, IM SUPER JEALOUS, all the intense guys around here seem to ride the Trek Superfly elite 100. Super Sick bike. I got mine tuned up this week and its running great, it sucks because the pros still can do it better than me... No fair, Jk. I hope that i can keep up with you when i get home, i am looking forward to it.
My goal weight is actually 200. i havent been diligent lately and have kinda stopped losing, kind of stuck at 213. But i will hopefully get there sometime. I think i am going to try and tone out and then work on losing more...
Well i love you all and Hope all stays well. Good luck Mason with your Knee and Weston with your work. Hope you finish that Eagle! then you can drive! 

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, June 18, 2012

Fwd: Re: June 18, 2012

Dear Family.
Today was the first week of the transfer, and like most first weeks its a little slow getting things off the ground after the stress of transfers.  But it has been good. Doug is still progressing and has been coming to church every week for 6 weeks now! He has a baptismal date for July 21st. Remember Scott the guy who was in the hospital? Well he is out of his rehab and came to church as well and we are going to start meeting with him soon! Really getting down to business now that i have been here for over 3 months. Things are doing great, and its starting to get hot.
HAPPY FATHERS DAY DAD! Sorry i didnt get anything sent off yet it should be there later this week!
Good luck Wes!

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, June 11, 2012

Fwd: June 10, 2012

Dear Fambam.
  Transfers! Well i get to stay in Simi Valley for another transfer with Elder Hyatt. Yay! I don't have to pack! It is going to be good! We taught Doug the restoration yesterday and set him with a baptismal date for the 21st of July! It was a really neat experience because Bro Hoyle (a member friend of his) came up to us right after sacrament meeting and told us that Doug had questions about Joseph Smith. After sacrament meeting the ward was having some sort of presentation so we ditched and went to a classroom with brother Hoyle and taught him. It was awesome to see how ready he was. We were also Super stoked when we asked he was like "absolutely". So things are really looking up and changing in the area. Ken we haven't really been able to get a hold of unfortunately. But we will keep trying. 
  I am gonna have to fix the crank on the bike probably this week because it keeps coming loose even with lock tite. So thats unfortunate. i have learned that i am good at fixing stuff, but a whole lot better at breaking stuff... <sigh> oh well.
  The Missionary bucket thing is going well. still in the blossoming phases though.
Well i love you all and will talk to you next week! i will try to get a hold of brother Hansen today.

- Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, June 4, 2012

Fwd: Transfers June 2012

Dear FamBam.
This week was better than last week. We had teaching appointments! YAY! We taught Doug about the BoM and Prayer and testified how it can change his life. It was nice to finally get to know him and begin teaching someone. I got my bike fixed finally with the new disk brakes. SO MUCH BETTER! i wish I had done it way sooner because I have been fighting those brakes since I got the bike, oh well lesson learned. We saw Pam a couple times this week and taught her some new member stuff. And we finally got my youth program idea off the ground and presented it to the ward. So by next week it should be in full effect. Referrals! I stole the idea from E Nielsen in Santa Barbara but we call it the Missionary Bucket. Each week a youth of each side (young man and woman) take it home. There is a bunch of proselyting materials in it and they are to take something out, give it away, and report back on Sunday. The idea is to generate more missionary work and get them familiar with the kind of stuff we have as Missionaries, what we do, and how to answer more questions. More jazzed up they are the better it will work. And they took it well! SO I am excited about that. Transfers are coming up soon. We will see what happens. I had a nightmare last night that I was tri-pan training... again... AHH! Kinda scared me. But anyways. All is good in the hood.

- Elder Tyler Scott