Friday, September 9, 2011

Dear Brother and Sister Scott

September 9, 2011

Dear Brother and Sister Scott,

I have had the opportunity these last 3 weeks to serve as your son's companion.  We have a lot in common!  We both love mountain biking and snowboarding.  I've enjoyed learning about Elder Scott.  He is very dedicated to the things he believes in.  He gets along with people and the members here really love him.  He is a great missionary.  The second lesson I taught with him as to a woman named Ellen.  The lesson started out slow, but as we started sharing some scriptures with her, the Spirit made his presence known.  We all felt it.  Then Elder Scott boldly invited her to be baptized.  She accepted without hesitation.  Your son will be a positive influence in the lives of many people.  In the short 3 weeks I've been with him, he has helped me become a better missionary.  He is still a little shy when it comes to talking to people in the streets and tracting ha ha, but he can relate to people well and I think he will quickly overcome that shyness.
 I look forward to the rest of the time I server with your son and the things I can learn from him.

Elder Jason Williams

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