Monday, September 19, 2011

Fwd: This week in the Mish

Almost Missed me. I'm as good as gravy. Doing great in fact, i would like more musica if possible but no rush. Health strength beastly as always while people crumble in sickness around me ;D. Testimony always growing but getting there. Companion Eh hes alright, still ironing out kinks but mostly we get along fine.

On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 12:03 PM, Bret Scott <> wrote:
Sorry, its been crazy.

Ashley is back in CO @ Swedish hospital.  Long recovery ahead, but getting a little better here and there.

How's everything?  Need anything? Health strength? testimony? companion?

On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 1:00 PM, Tyler Scott <> wrote:
Dear Readers,
It looks like i have nothing to respond to this week.  This week was fun. We have aquired 4 new investigators which brings our teaching pool up to 7 now. One of our investigators is a kid and his mom. The kis is ranked 3rd in the state of california for skateboarding! and hes only 12! He is a pretty chill guy and his mom is perfect to teach right now because of some trials in her life. We went mountain biking again today, which was fun. Im learning a lot about how my bike works especially since i have been working on it. My thinking is that if i am beating it up enough that it needs maintenance, than i am using it to its full potential. I replace the shifters this week and that was not as easy as i had hoped but, i figured it out. I dont have much else to say today so forgive me. Keep bugging my friends to write me.
BTW: Hows Ashley?
Love, Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, September 12, 2011

Fwd: Re: September 11

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Tyler Scott" <>
Date: Sep 12, 2011 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: September 11
To: <>, "Tracie Scott" <>

Dear Reader(s),
Ok to start off with, Crongratulations Mason on your liscense and stuff, enjoy the car, because it will take care of you as long as you return the favor. Dont try to be to dashing or daring to impress people, and if your in a hurry, take direct routes. Dont try to speed through neighbourhoods, it never works. Be safe and concientious of others on the road, even if they are jerks. ALWAYS look before taking off at a stoplight, i cant tell you how many times i have been scared but protected because i followed dads advice. And Last but not least, Driving is a priviledge, not a right, you have to earn it, or you will lose it. But it is ok to have fun doing it! So listen to Mom and Dad, even though you may think you know better, take it from your punk older brother, THEY REALLY DO KNOW BETTER! Love yah, Good Luck and Work Hard.
Weston, dont be jealous, you will have your chance as well, just ask the Shavliks. Ryan had his license for months before Andrew, be nice and dont treat him like a cheufer. And be a good navigator! Everyone needs a copilot!
 Ok. So Ashley is in The ICU. Yikes, i hope she can pull through, and i will definately keep her Mckells Mom and The Hansen family in my prayers. Keep me updated. But Remember that the lord works in mysterious ways.
Ok so now i will give you the summary of my week. We did a TON of door to door treacting this week. Our Zone goal was to beat Bakersfield in Declarations (short testifying opportunities), Who ususually leads the mission. Because over a third of the mission is in bakes. We ended up becoming the leader for this week in the mission which hasnt happened in a long time with a total of 322 Declarations! A new record! And there is only 18 missionaries in our Zone as opposed to Bakes 30something! Hoorah for Israel!!!
We also got 4 new potential investigators this week and are getting really close to my first baptism! YES! Im stoked and i love the time i get to spend teaching!
Yesterday we met a professional Rugby player and coach. His name is Kodo and he is from Fiji! He is huge and could Eat me! But he invited us back!
We went mountain biking again this week. i am tearing my bike apart :/ So now i need to replace the front derailer shifter. hopefully i can do it cheap! But for how much i spent on this bike the use i have got out of it has been phenominal! hooray for free bikes! haha!
As i continue to study i feel that my knowledge is increasing as well as my capacity to teach, i am in late alma, and i hope that i can finish it by the end of the transfer. We will see. Btw those Pictures are the bes i got, sorry, take it or leave it thats all of them!
On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 5:45 PM, Bret Scott <> wrote:
Elder Scott --

It's been a very emotional week.  Mason passed his driving test on Tuesday so I'm out of the carpool business and I don't have to drive them to seminary anymore freeing up my morning hours!!! Yippee!!  He's been driving all over creation and getting them to and from work and to and from practices etc.  It is SOOoooo nice!!  Weston is still working to get his eagle project moving -- he did get some response from the guy he is trying to get to sponsor the project ( centennial water ) so hopefully things can start moving there soon.

We  had a ward campout this weekend up on Lookout Mountain -- just Mom and I went, Weston & Mason had to work etc. so could not attend  -- plus Mason is realizing that the cost of gas sometimes outweighs the fun of an event ;)    We grilled up some nice tenderloins and corn-on-the-cob and tried to make everyone jealous as they ate their KFC etc.

Elder, yesterday was a very horrible day for us, and our ward.    Last night ( 9/10 ) at 7pm MT --- Ashley Hansen was involved in a very serious car accident up in Rexburg.  She and McKell and McKells' mom were involved --- they were stopped at a crosswalk letting pedestrians cross, and a big truck with a trailer hit their car from behind.  Ashley is hurt pretty badly and was air-evac'd to Idaho Falls.  She has been in the ICU and has a fracture at the base of her skull, some bleeding in her brain.  It is pretty serious.  We have been a mess all day -- Steve and Mary flew to Idaho Falls with Bishop Olsen late last night so they were at Ashley's bedside within just a few hours of hearing about the accident.  McKell's mom was also hurt pretty badly ( broken back ) and will require surgery.  Mckell was not hurt.   Ashley has been unable to move her hands/arms on her right side so we suspect there may be other serious issues.  It has been an emotional day around here.  The next few days will tell more about her prognosis and what all will be involved in her recovery.  Please keep her ( and her mom & dad ) in  your prayers --- we tried to fast for them today as a ward.  Everyone is super worried about her.

Austin asked how you were doing, he said he will try to write you.  I will send him your address.  He doesn't leave for the MTC until the end of November -- it will have been 5 months since he received his call.  Thats a long time!  His address is

2642 Rockbridge Way
Highlands Ranch, Colorado 80129

We got your pictures, you'll have to explain some of them -- Darth Vader?  Temple wedding?  What is up with that?  The pictures of the flag-raising at the top of the hill were pretty cool, but I think you said that event was back in June, right?  Can I request that you send pictures with YOU in them?  Have someone else take the picture so you can be in it!

We had stake conference today -- President Grover gave a great talk about members' influence on each other.  He gave a good analogy about nuclear medicine and about how the radioactive particles injected into a patient will allow doctors to use a special camera to see the extent of progression of a disease.  He compared this to how when we live the gospel, that influence can be felt by others because we radiate hope, happiness and love. 

Another brother, a new member of the high council ( I forget his name ) gave another analogy --- about sharing the gospel.  He said if a stranger offers you a plate of warm brownies, you are hesitant to partake -- but if a trusted friend shares the same plate with you, you don't hesitate to devour the delicious brownies.  Even though its the same plate of brownies, they are received in completely different ways.  This was likened to members of the church sharing the gospel with friends, it is much more readily received, if the giver is a trusted friend -- so we as members should make sure we share our beliefs and warm brownies with our friends and families as it will be received much better than when strangers knock on a door to share the same.

I hope everything is going well for you and your companions there in Ventura.  I have to go back to NY this week for another customer event, I'll be gone thru Saturday.  I love you and wish you the best.  Be good, do good.  I'll see you soon.

Love Dad.


Love, Elder Tyler Scott

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Dear Brother and Sister Scott

September 9, 2011

Dear Brother and Sister Scott,

I have had the opportunity these last 3 weeks to serve as your son's companion.  We have a lot in common!  We both love mountain biking and snowboarding.  I've enjoyed learning about Elder Scott.  He is very dedicated to the things he believes in.  He gets along with people and the members here really love him.  He is a great missionary.  The second lesson I taught with him as to a woman named Ellen.  The lesson started out slow, but as we started sharing some scriptures with her, the Spirit made his presence known.  We all felt it.  Then Elder Scott boldly invited her to be baptized.  She accepted without hesitation.  Your son will be a positive influence in the lives of many people.  In the short 3 weeks I've been with him, he has helped me become a better missionary.  He is still a little shy when it comes to talking to people in the streets and tracting ha ha, but he can relate to people well and I think he will quickly overcome that shyness.
 I look forward to the rest of the time I server with your son and the things I can learn from him.

Elder Jason Williams

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Fwd: Labor day 2011

Dear Readers,
As far as the biking pictures go.I had a helmet silly haha that was after wards i was wearing my hat. It has healed up perfectly like wolverine style. And Chillax of all the missionaries with us i have the most experience. No worries i know what i am doing :D.
Anyway. This week has been pretty good. we pretty much spent the whole week updating our ward lists and finding out if people still live here. Alot of the people we went to go see told us to buzz of unfortunately. As far as our teaching pool goes We have dropped down to only 3 investigators. 2 of them dropped us over the last couple weeks, :( but we will be having a baptism on October 1st if everything works out. Yesterday we went mountain biking again and i tore it up! All the experienced adults that were with us think i am an animal when it comes to downhill haha. they make me lead the way because of how fast i am, its pretty awesome. i have definitely put this bike through the test and i will be replacing the plastic petals because i broke both of them! GNARLY hahaha. Anyway i am loving my mission so far and hope you are all doing well at home.
I am getting along really well with my new companion, at first i thought he would be really lame, but i have warmed up to him now. I still miss Tingey, my "father", dearly but he will be visiting you guys when he goes home in October. he lives in Colo Springs area.
I am doing well here i feel, it is very hard because of the pride of the people of this area and they don't want much to do with us, but it is very rewarding when finally get in a door. I don't have any huge spiritual experiences this week, and every time i have had one i have let you know. we did have testimony meeting this Sunday and i love to hear all the different ways and things people bear their testimonies on. I don't really know what else to say, I'm healthy-ish and i have finally lost 3 pounds! YES

On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 9:32 AM, Bret Scott <> wrote:
Happy Labor Day!

Elder Scott -- another week gone.  I hope this letter finds you in good health and good spirits.  That picture you sent of the road rash on your elbow made me laugh.  You can't afford to get hurt like that, take it easy -- did it heal up OK?  I'm sure it is red, tender, swollen and overall generally sore.  I'm not sure how I would know that...How exactly are you mountain biking without a helmet etc?  That doesn't seem like a good activity -- perhaps you should be playing BBall or something a little less dangerous.

Not sure if you're going to be able to email today -- the library is probably closed due to the holiday, hopefully you can get it done tomorrow.

Our hockey team won the league championship -- it was a rough game -- we won 4-3 in OT -- Brother Rothey got hurt -- some loser on the other team checked him head first into the boards and jacked up his neck.  He came back to the game in the OT period and I believe he made the winning assist.  I've attached a picture here.

Derek Munsey left for the MTC this week -- how exciting.

Mason finished his eagle project write-up last night -- and signed off -- so he'll be getting his drivers license after he passes his driving test tomorrow ( frightening ).  Weston is still struggling to get his project going -- but as soon as he can connect with the guy, he should be on his way too.  Fingers crossed.

How is the work going in Thousand Oaks?  How is your teaching pool?  Anyone progressing?  Any commitments to baptism? 

How are you getting along with your companion?  Have you settled in with the anti-Tingey-ness?  Pray for more love for him and be kind and forgiving.  Remember that the best thing you can do is love him, serve him, respect him and you two will be come close and therefore immovable in your teaching power. 

The church is starting a big media campaign here in Denver to promote the website -- they want all of us to fill out facebook-like profiles so people can relate to real-life mormons.  They will be running TV ads and internet ads etc. promoting it.  The TV ads are pretty well done from what I've seen.  Should be interesting.

Our Elder Smith is being transferred this week -- he's been out just as long as you it seems.  He's been here for 2 transfers one each with 2 companions.   You might remember he is from Mesa, AZ.

Anyhoo Elder, I'm burning prime holiday daylight here inside on the computer.  My bike broke on Saturday so it is in the shop, I'm hoping they call so I can still get a ride in today.... we'll see.

We love you.  We are very proud of you.  Please try your best to let us know how things are going with you.  Things like:

1.  How are you feeling?
2. Energy level?
3. Attitude level ?
4. Things you've learned this week ?
5. Testimony builders

Talk you you later!

Love, Elder Tyler Scott