Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Week 2 Elder Scott

Hi Family this week was another great week here at the mtc. I had some stumbles with my companion but i think we have worked out now. I am trying to read the book of Mormon before i leave the mtc but im not sure if i will have time to finish it. My schedule here is pretty packed. This week i have learned so much about how to funnel the spirit through me and get out of its way when teaching. Some of our investagors are committing to be baptized but were still working on a few. we have 8 now i think. I am SO ready to get out in the field!

I was able to teach one of hardcore baptist investigators how the book of mormon supports the bible and how they each prophesy of joseph smith. Ezekiel 37, 2 Nephi 3, Malachi 3:1, any way im learning alot and i have got preach my gospel down to a science.Yesterday in Devotional Elder Russell M Nelson of the Quorum of the twelve came and taughrt us it was awesome. He spoke to us about obedience and its blessings. I am going to try my hardest to be obedient because he said that obedience brings blessings, but EXACT obedience brings Miracles.

Mom heres some answers to your questions. I have seen people i know, i saw Elder Grover (Jason) and many of my friends from BYUI. I LEAVE MAY 30, MONDAY, and in the AIRPORT I CAN MAKE A CALL SO BE AVAILABLE. yes i am taking my meds and i am sleeping fine, my roomates tell me that i hit the pillow and i am out instantly and that i snore. Schedule is no biggie. i Have been to the Provo temple twice now and it is much bigger than the Denver Temple. I have lots of pictures i will send you when i get to the field. Thank you SOOOOO much for the cookies, MTC food can be sketchy at times. Keep sending Pictures and letters often, please remind that list of people that i am expecting mail from them! haha. also send me some gillette fusion razors when i get my official address because these disposables are AWFUL!

Good luck mason at your rugby camp thing, and weston with your swim camp. Everyone get better soon!! I Love you allz.

Sincerely your Goofy Missionary,
Elder Scott.

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