Monday, June 20, 2011

June 20, 2011

Thank you Mason, I am glad to be able to set that example for you and Weston. Mom--> I am doing great, the work is progressing better here with us than in a while, it got kinda stale for a while but we are reviving it. we have found a new family of 3 to teach, they have 18 year old twins. we also are trying to get another family (the Mann's) who was the first referral we received on day 1 in the area. we have about 10 other referrals and are still working on contacting all them. so far they have all told us we can come back and teach. Madeline our 1 investigator with a date is doing great. she will be baptized on July 9 so that's exciting. we also went to our zone leaders baptism of this 22year old girl in the YSA ward (young single adults) which was wonderful. teaching is going great as well, i am still learning a lot though. My area is awesome it is so beautiful, and the people here are so nice and generous, but the food is killing me. It is SO good and i am 220lbs now! yikes!  My companion is awesome, he is teaching me so much and i am learning a lot about my self and how i can learn and grow better. I have learned how to juggle! i got the garments, still no word on the CD player yet though but oh well haha. love you all hope you get my pictures soon. Happy FATHERS DAY DAD. i also sent a card with some stuff in it, has it made it yet? it has all the thank yous as well. Love, Elder Scott

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