Monday, December 19, 2011

Fwd: Happy Chrismuskah

Dear Family,
This Week hasnt been super eventful, all of our 5 progressing investigators have been sick and/or out of town. But by next week it is possible for us to have up to 10, because our teaching pool is getting big! We must be doing something right i guess. I will call on sunday at 230pm your time which is 130pm your time. I dont get skype. :( but my companion does, because hes international, from Canada. LAME! Oh well. We had a service project yesterday which is why i didnt email, so today is our pday. Im excited for the holidays, and to hear from you.

On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 9:07 AM, Bret Scott <> wrote:
  • Christmas and Hanukkah to Merge
    Continuing the current trend of large-scale mergers and acquisitions, it was announced today that Christmas and Hanukkah will merge. An industry source said that the deal had been in the works for about 1,300 years.
    While details were not available at press time, it is believed that the overhead cost of having twelve days of Christmas and eight days of Hanukkah was becoming prohibitive for both sides. By combining forces, spokesman say, the world will be able to enjoy consistently high-quality service during the Fifteen Days of Chrismukah, as the new holiday is being called.
Good morning Elder Tyler!
Hope your week has gone well .  We shipped you a package to the mission home at the new address in Oxnard -- it should arrive today -- so it will be there when you show up on Thursday for your meeting. 

We did not get you sunglasses -- as we felt that would be a bit of a stretch -- if you have some in mind go price them out and let us know, Mom can send your prescription so you can have them made to order. 

We've been busy preparing for the big day, can't wait to hear your voice on Sunday.  Remember we are at church between 11am - 12:10pm MT -- which is 10am - 11:10am PT for you -- you said you had church at 9 -- so if you planned to call/skype after 11:30 or so we will be ready.   We heard that there has been some rules from SLC regarding calls home, and that Skype was authorized -- if you want to do that just let use know, we'll have it up and running at that time -- my screen name is Bret_Scott.
Your package arrived the other day --- so that is safely here.  

We started counting and it should be transfers this week? I hope you are not being transferred this time around --- Let us know how your pending baptism is panning out.  We're excited for your first mission baptism.
The weather has been cold -- we've had snow on the ground for 2 weeks --- and it is supposed to snow again today.  The mountain snow is not very good yet.... <sigh>
Austin reports that he does not like the MTC much -- doesn't care for the food, struggling with the language.  I'm sure that will go better for him as he gets more comfortable.
We love you and hope this letter finds you happy and tired -- I hope you have more work than you can handle -- since I remember those times of my mission being the best.
Love Dad.


Love, Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, December 12, 2011

Fwd: Monday December 12

Unfortunately Maxene wont be able to be getting baptized, She has not been able to come to church at all due to her pain. She is 70 so we cut her some slack, and she broke her back in the 80's still suffering from that. She is on a lot of pain killers too, both liquid and pill morphine (multiple times a day...), soma, Valium, and to top it off she has to be on oxygen... Yikes.
   Recently she has been having a hard time walking due to the fact that her knee is grinding, lack of cartilage i think. :/ But the reason she cant be baptized is because of her use of Medical Marijuana. We had a rocky lesson but we managed to bring her around to try and get off it if she can. Hopefully she will pray and have faith sufficient. By the way Cheryl Lindsey should have sent me a Facebook request, so she want to send you some pictures. Get in contact with her.
   We are really excited for the new family we picked up they have really hit the ground running! Surinder is from Malaysia, and she isn't going to let anything stand in the way of her and her daughters getting baptized. So we are working with her. Overall things are pretty good..
   Go ahead and send the package if you want, but we have a xmas devotional on the 22nd so if it gets there before then there's a good chance i will get it. Just call the Mission office and ask them what to do. I will call your cell, just be ready, we have church at 9 but just sacrament meeting. so yah. ok bye, and yes it is a pretty sexy hat i agree.

On Mon, Dec 12, 2011 at 7:20 AM, Bret Scott <> wrote:
Good morning Elder Scott --

Another week flown by like it was an hour.  Your last week's note sounded very encouraging as far as the missionary work goes.  I hope everything continues to progress as you were describing.

We are 13 days from Christmas --- and we need to work out a plan for you to call on that day.  We will have Sacrament meeting at 11am - 12:10pm ( MT ) and then will be going to be spending dinner with the Rotheys etc. so let us know what time of day you will be calling.  Perhaps its best to call one of our cell phones ( 720-810-1061, 720-300-7102 ) and then we can call you back in case you are at a members home or what not.  Find out from your companero what the best approach is and let us know.  We can't wait to talk to you.

We want to send your Christmas package -- and do not want to ship it to the mission home -- are you still leery about receiving packages at your apartment in Bakersfield?  Please advise.

Weston and Mason are in the midst of finals -- they're all stressed out.  It'll all be over in a few days then they can relax.  Hopefully it stars snowing 'cause so far it's pretty bleak up in the mountains --- not like it was last year for us at this time.   

Nothing much new to report around here ---Mom started working at another place -- she seems to like it -- it s a high-tech reproductive center where they help folks who are having struggles getting pregnant -- it should be easier work for Mom -- we'll see.   She is scheduled for another back injection next week, so that should give her some relief.  Can't wait.

Well, Elder -- we don't have much to share this week -- same o same o around here --- can't wait to hear how your week has been --- and get more of those lovely pictures.  That was quite the sexy hat you were wearing ---




Love, Elder Tyler Scott

Monday, December 5, 2011

Fwd: This Week

Dear Readers,
This has probably been the most successful week in this area so far. Our teaching pool has expanded to 9 investigators! Woot! Maxene our furthest progressed has a baptismal date set for Christmas Eve, it was an awesome experience watching her learn and grow and see the spirit work on her so strongly. Real testimony builder. 3 of our investigators, Surinder and her 2 daughters, that went awol a week before i got here called us up and told us they were coming to church on sunday! they asked for a script to se if they could get baptized as soon as possible. Robert a reinvestigating former is hoping to lead his family to the truth and be baptized in january! Michael and Tammy, not the most progressing but we are working with them, we will see what happens. Markeice is an 11 year old son of a less active member who wants to get baptized and sing in the choir. He will hopefully drag his mom to church with him! Our 2 newest investigators are Art (a 20ish year old and his mom and sister), the first time i met him i got the impression that i know he will be baptized and his mom has a rock solid belief in god! And las but not least, Emery, the husband of a Recent convert of about a year, who is pretty much just asking "where do i sign?" He is so ready (and he has taken the lessons before). So pretty much the work has taken off in the area and i am really enjoying it. Its even starting to wear me out... Anyways, ive been reading in Ether lately, and its amazing to me how much of a parrallel the jaredites are to modern society, scary.  


Love, Elder Tyler Scott